Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mardi Gras Day 3

Last night was a blast. We met up with the lady that does the cooking classes here and the B&B and her husband, Judy and Tommy. Tommy is the Army's local military historian and knows everything you could want to know about this wonderful city and Mardi Gras. We watched 4 paradises from in front of their house. The high light of the night was the muses parade (photo's to come, I took 500) where I got a really cool set of disco ball bead for flashing my "man boobs" to a lady on a float. It took her a second to get them to me due to laughing so hard she almost spilled her drink.

Today was a nice warm day, sunny and 75. We went to a parade this afternoon but it didn't go so well. The thing started late and then it must have had had technical difficulties because it kept stopping every 20 feet or so (no exaggeration). For those of you that don't know I had minor back surgery to remove some skin cancer a couple of weeks ago and got the stitches out the day before we left. My back wasn't really into to the standing and watching nothing gig so it asked if we could leave early. Jennifer was very understanding and we came back to our room.

Next on the plan after the pain killers kick back in is dinner. Not sure where we are going but I'll let everyone know where we end up and how good it is. That's one thing that this city certainly hasn't lost and that's an abundace of great food.

Link to pictures. This will be updated every few days. I'll post link in each post so you won't have to go back to old posts.

Happy Mardi Gras.


Mardi Gras photo album located here.

1 comment:

Carla said...

I had no idea you had surgery. :( The cooking class sounds like fun though.